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5 reasons Trevor Donovan was a breath of fresh air on season 15 of NCIS.

As a regular watcher of NCIS I was dismayed when Michael Weatherly (Anthony DiNozzo) left the show. I felt the "leading man candy" had left with it. Now, Mark Harmon is no slouch, but come on, Michael Weatherly is ... well a hunk.

Then I tuned into Season 15 episode 4 "Skeleton Crew" and I got that tingle again. Bishop and Torres had to board a Navy Ship per Gibbs order and that's where we were introduced to Commander Thomas Buckner. There stood a 6'2" eyes of blue, blond haired adonis. Which we later find out his nickname is "Thomas the Adonis." So fitting. I immediately went to imdb to find out who he was. Adonis thy name is Trevor Donovan. (

Episode 4 was a great one, but I won't go through it because this post is about the breath of fresh air that is Thomas Buckner aka Trevor Donovan.

5 Reasons Trevor Donovan is a breath of fresh air to

NCIS Season 15

1. He's STUNNING! Great eye candy replacement for DiNozzo. Sorry to be so superficial, but come on look at him, it's true.

2. He's a good actor. I believed him in every scene.

3. Buckner and Bishop just sound great together. Like Hart & Hart, Scarecrow and Mrs. King, Ken and Barbie. NCIS needs a ship worthy relationship and Buckner/Bishop is it!

4. He's an animal lover. I trolled his social media, Facebook ( Twitter @trevdon

and he has the cutest dogs ever. Their names are Dogbert & Tito! I CAN'T STAND THE CUTENESS

5. He has leading man quality. He reminds my husband and myself of that old Hollywood kinda leading man. Good looking and sexy yet still manly. Think, Burt Lancaster, Steve McQueen, Robert Redford and Carey Grant.

So in conclusion, whomever was responsible for casting Trevor Donovan as Commander Thomas Buckner, THANK YOU! On behalf of Nate, myself and many of the fans let me say, we hope he comes back, he's a breath of fresh air.


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